Frozen semen available from Ris Key Business.
Additional APHA Stallions currently
standing at Diaman H Stables:
Tru Gay Bar Passion, No Risk and Pepsis Color Master stand at $850.
No Risk and Tru Gay Bar Passion are live cover only.
Pepsi is live cover OR shipped semen (add $400/shipment to cover vet and Fed Ex expenses)
2013 grullo tobiano
SIRE: Gay Bar Drummer
DAM: Tru Gar Bar Ebony (by A Tru Rolex o/o dtr Passion Buck)
"Ringo" is homozygous for black and tobiano.
He is 6 panel negative.
Ringo's first breeding season with us will be in 2023.
Looking forward to seeing what he will produce with a few of our mares.
STUD FEE: $850
early booking, and multiple mare discounts available

APHA #3 Point Earning Stallion with 2,089 Pts,
6X World Champion (4X Working Cow Horse and 2X Steer Stopping) and
3X Reserve World Champion (2X Heeling and Tie-Down Roping),
Reserve All-Around 2013 World Show,
All-Around Western Horse 2012 World Show,
APHA Champion,
6 Superiors and
7 ROM`s,
NRHA Money Earner
2005 APHA #1 Point Earner - one rider/one horse
2007 Greatest American Paint Horseman Champion
2014 was his fourth Senior Working Cow Horse World Championship in the last five years
Amateur Show
Breakaway Roping 113 points Register of Merit Superior
Goat Tying 6 points
Heading 274 points Register of Merit Superior 1 Reserve World Champion
Heeling 186 points Register of Merit Superior 1 Reserve World Champion
Steer Stopping 278 points Register of Merit Superior
Working Cow Horse 2 points
Nov/Amt Show
Heeling 3 points
Showmanship at Halter 7 points
Open Show
Barrel Racing 4 points
Tie-Down Roping 38.5 points Register of Merit
Halter 9 points
Heading 647 points Register of Merit Superior 1 World Champion
Heeling 748 points Register of Merit Superior 1 Reserve World Champion
Reining 106 points Register of Merit Superior
Steer Stopping 873 points Register of Merit Superior
Working Cow Horse 103 points Register of Merit Superior
Western Pleasure 5 points
A little free time in the arena for No Risk. Too much snow and rough ground in his winter paddock to get too wound up.....so
he saves his 'crazy' for the arena. If the following You Tube link isn't working, you might have to 'copy and paste'.
NO RISK (APHA # 923,380)
2007 black tobiano. Sire: Ris Key Business Dam: A Shot of Faith (Shots Flying Spark) ($15,000)
No Risk is a (7 panel negative - GBED, HYPP, HERDA, PSSM, MH, LWO, IMM) homozygous black,
homozygous tobiano SON of Ris Key Business. No Risk is well broke - very quiet and gentle. As
of 2015 he has never bred a mare. If he's still here in 2016......you KNOW that's going to
change. ;-)
Yeah, I know. We really aren't needing anymore Ris Key Business bred horses.....but
seriously.....how could anyone resist this guy?
2022 stud fee: $850
$100 discount for early booking and/or multiple mares.
Ris Key Business is a 1984 APHA black/tobiano stallion by Cheyenne Moon Bar and out of Happiness Is.
He is the APHA World Champion working cow horse, Amateur Reining and Open Reining Sweepstakes, Two-Time Reserve National
Champion Open Reining, No. 4 Lifetime-leading Reining Stallion, Points Earned, Three-Time Honor Roll Champion - Superior Reining,
World Show Reining Top 10 - 5 Times, ROMs in Open Reining, Western Riding, Working Cow Horse and Amateur Reining - Points
in Open Cutting and Amateur Western Riding - APHA Futurity. First Go - Res. World Champion Non-Pro Reining Sweepstakes. Weanling
Halter. Multi Leading Sires List.
Ris Key Business is also a Pt Horse Assoc. 6-Time National Champion - Open Reining and Reining Sweepstakes, Amateur Reining
and Working Cow Horse, ROMs in Open Reining, Open Working Cow Horse, and Amateur Reining.
Ris Key Businessís offspring have an outstanding performance record. They hold such titles as: Multi Lifetime Top 10 and
#1 Leading Horses, Multi World Show title holders. Multi World Show Top 10. Congress All-Around Performance Champion and Reserve
Champion World Show Western Performance Champion, Oscar Crigler Cattle Performance Champion, Futurity finalists, Multi Superiors,
Multi ROMs and Points, Multi Honor Roll Champions, Multi Honor Roll Top 10, TRHA, NRHA, PTHA, OCAP, & Open Show Point and
Money earners, Performance and Halter Champions, Honor Roll Champions and Top 10.**
**copied directly from the NRCHA web site**
2005 NRCHA (reined cow horse) leading paternal gsires list
1988 APHA Black Tobiano Stallion
ShotOfFlyingVelvet x Miss Jingo Bars
1993 APHA Reserve World Champion Tobiano Color
1994 APHA Reserve World Champion Amateur Breakaway Roping
1 Superior
Amateur Breakaway Roping
2 ROMs
Open Heeling, Amateur Breakaway Roping
68 APHA Performance Points (Open)
14 APHA Performance points (Amateur)
APHA Points
Calf Roping, Heading, Steer Stopping
23 PtHA Halter Points
40 PtHA Color Points
APHA & PtHA World & Reserve World Champion Sire
APHA Superior & ROM Performance Sire

Color Master

Age 15 in this photo.
Pasture condition.
LOVE this boy!!
2006 dunskin tobiano stallion (registered dun, but also has
cream/buckskin gene) homozygous tobiano homozygous black heterozygous agouti, dun, cream 7 panel negative
(GBED, HYPP, PSSM, HERDA, MH, LWO, IMM) Sire: Quixotes Mastrpiece (point earning son - roping - of RR Riskymastrpiece o/o dtr Doc Quixote) Dam: Poco Nifty (by Pepsi Poco)

Pepsi - July 16, 2014. Just completed his first breeding season for us. Looking forward to the 2015
When I began the search
for our next stallion, I had two bloodlines I wanted to avoid. I did not need more Ris Key in the bloodlines,
nor did I want one other particular APHA cowhorse bloodlines. Right now I am thrilled that I waited for what
looks to be an almost perfect stallion. The only thing that makes this guy 'almost' perfect is because
I was specifically looking for an outcross for our daughters of Ris Key, so - as stated earlier - I did NOT want
Ris Key in the new stallion's pedigree. After a LOT of searching, it turns out that's kind of hard to do if you
are looking for a well bred tobiano 'cow horse'. While some of our best horses have been (and
still are) double bred (up close) Ris Key horses, we've also had a couple of breedings that we would not repeat.
And when you get to the triple bred horses....well, everyone has their own opinion on how close is 'too close' and how many
times is 'too many times' .... but responsible breeders do consider it 'in breeding' when the
pedigree has the same name more than twice on the actual registration papers - ESPECIALLY if you
are mating half/full siblings and/or mating back to dam/sire. On the plus side of the pedigree, if we are the home of the Ris Key Business horses, it makes sense to stand another
Ris Key bred stallion, even if it is a bit further back on the papers. Pepsi is Ris Key's great grandson,
so he won't put the Ris Key name on his offspring's papers.....and that makes him genetically diverse
enough to cross back on our daughters of Ris Key. Plus his grandsire is one of Ris Key's best sons....RR Riskymastrpiece.... (and
quite possibly would have been just as well known as his paternal brother - Strait from Texas - if he didn't have to
compete directly against him and/or been campaigned/marketed harder) Pepsi's performing sire (roping) is out
of a daughter of Doc Quixote (who I consider one of Doc Bar's greatest sons), and Pepsi's dam is a daughter of the great
foundation sire - PEPSI POCO (sire of QT POCO STREKE, earner of multiple NRHA championships and Hall of Fame inductee)...
So...in a nutshell, Pepsi's sire is a point earning son of one of the most talented
horses of all time - RR Riskymasterpiece, and his dam is a daughter of Pepsi Poco. You will find RR
Riskymastrpiece, Doc Quixote, Doc Bar, Pepsi Poco, Cutter Bill, Q Ton Ace, and Ris Key Business for names on papers and relatively
close 'goes back to'.
Gonna be hard to beat this pedigree with overall strength on both the topside and the bottom. This guy has - by far - the best conformation of any of the stallions
I was looking at. Love, love, LOVE his beautiful head and fox ears. This guy also has the best overall pedigree
of any of them, in addition to the best color genetics. Because he is buckskin and dun and homozygous for black
and tobiano, most of his foals will be 'triple colored'. Regardless of color of mare (disregarding gray), the
overwhelming majority of his foals will be grullo, smokey grullo, dun, buckskin, dunskin, black or smutty black...and will
always be tobiano. A slight percentage will be bay tobiano.
Want to see what color Pepsi will produce when bred to YOUR mare? Be sure to fill in
homozygous tobiano TOTO, homozygous black - EE, heterozygous agouti - Aa, heterozygous cream - CR, and heterozygous dun -
DN for Pepsi's color genetics on the chart. If you don't get over 75% chance of 'triple color' you didn't fill
in the chart correctly for Pepsi.
One last thing to mention (and I didn't
know it until he got here) he is a super, super sweetheart. Excellent manners, great disposition. Did I mention
how lucky we are??
2022 stud fee - $850 discount to approved point earners/producers. $100
discount if booking fee is received before January 1st.
We do offer shipped semen on Pepsi.
Additional costs (vet and Fed Ex fees) are $380.

Maternal Grandsire: PEPSI POCO bay
tob 15.1 H Sire of NRHA Multiple Bronze Trophy winner and money earner. APHA Champion, ROM and SUP Reining and WP offspring,
ROM performers in WP, Reining, Trail and point earners in BR, PB, WH, Trail, Reining, WP, Working Cow Horse and APHA high
point reining sire.
TON ACE H sor tob ROM WP, NSBA Hall of Fame and Sire of 66 performers, AQHA Champions, World Champions,
ROM & SUP offspring in WP, HUS, WHO, HSE, SAH, WR, and HLT | Dam POCO STAR dun tob APHA Halter Point earner, and res. Grand Champion at Halter. Dam of offspring
earning ROMs and Points in Halter and Performance events |
Maternal Grand dam POCOS BLUE
STAR dun tob Dam of 2 Performers include Pepsi San Man Halter point earner and ROM Reining and Puddle
Jumper ROM in Reining
Paternal Grandsire: RR Riskymastrpiece 2001 - APHA World Champion Calf Roping 1999
- APHA World Champion Heeling 1999 - APHA World Champion Steer Stopping Superior in Calf
Roping, Heading, Heeling, and Steer Stopping ROM in Working Cow Horse Points earned in
Halter, Reining, and Trail 1700+ Points earned as of 2001 #1 in Open Performance in 2000
#2 in Open Performance in '99 & '98 Producer of ROM earners in Reining, Heading, & Heeling and
Certificate of Recognition in Halter.
Also on papers: Doc Quixote AQHA# 0698787
Blaze/R.Hind sock/L.Hind Stocking NCHA $3,728.96 NCHA COA 1973 NCHA Cutting Futurity
Non-Pro Champion NCHA Hall of Fame Sire. Sire of: World Champion Res. World Champion Superior Performance
AQHA HI.PT.Perf. Stallion AQHA Champion NRCHA Champion ROM Halter ROM Performance
| | | | Lightning
Bar | | | Doc Bar | Dandy Doll | | Doc Quixote | | Bull's Eye | | | Magnolia Gal | Sporty Gal | Doc Quixotes
Lady | | | Buddy Dexter | | | Cutter Bill | Billie Silvertone | | Cutters Ida Queen | | Royal King | | | Royal Ida | Ida Red |
Stallions that we have used in the past. They are now either sold, passed on, or were leased
and then returned to their owners. These stallions are only listed here as Reference Sires, as we do have
their offspring:
Diaman H Straits Boon
April 17th, 2012
blue roan tobiano colt
Dam is a black tobiano daughter of Strait From Texas by Ris Key Business
Sire is Colored Me Blue
(BY Color Me Smart o/o full sister to Peptoboonsmal)
This is a GREAT looking, well mannered stallion with an impeccable cow horse pedigree. AS a roan tobiano, he guarantees ALL
of his foals will have 'color' in that he will always throw the roan on his foals, OR the tobiano. Always....
While we will have a few foals from "Boon" in 2016, he will not be available for the 2016 breeding season. He is currently
in training with Jack Wright, of Penrose, Colorado. (30 world and reserve titles
in competitions including the 2014 American Paint Horse Association world championship, high point all-around horse, high
point all-around reserve horse, high point Western horse and the high point exhibitor award)
**UPDATE - after nearly 2 full years in training, Boon was ready (and qualified) to show at the 2017 APHA World Show. Unfortunately,
right before the show, our trainer broke his arm and (as a roping specialist) he was not able to compete on ANY of his client's
horses. We brought Boon home and have decided not to continue training/showing. We have also cut his price in half to
DNA results: N/TO, a/a, E/e 6 panel tested
clean $20,000
**NOW REDUCED TO $15,000**
Color Me Smart $3M NCHA Sire |
{ |
Smart Little Lena |
{ |
Doc O'Lena |
Smart Peppy |
Dox Painted Lady |
{ |
Doc's Solano |
Bottoms Up |
My Angel Of Blue |
{ |
Peppy San Badger |
{ |
Mr San Peppy |
Sugar Badger |
Royal Blue Boon |
{ |
Boon Bar |
Royal Tincie |
Strait Miss McCue |
Strait From Texas
Ris Key Business |
Cheyenne Moon Bar |
Happiness Is |
Gunnes PollyAnna
Hollywood Smoke |
Golly Polly |
Hunter McCue |
King Stormy McCue |
Kingfisher McCue |
Saucey Miss |
Miss Little Joe Jet
Watch Joe Jet |
Miss Pabletter Bar |
Pedigree generated by PedigreeQuery.com

A Breeze of Class 1994 - 2018 APHA grullo tobiano
SIRE: Ris Key Business- Multiple World Champion,
Multiple World Champion Producer 9 National Titles 3 World Titles 3 Honor Roll Championships RIS KEY BUSINESS 3 Time Honor Roll Champion No. 4 Lifetime Leading Reining Stallion* No.
12 Lifetime Point Leader (reining)** ROMs in Open Reining, Western Riding, Working
Cow Horse and Amateur Reining, Cutting Points *as per APHA records 1964-1990 **as
per APHA records 1964-2000
Scottish Heiress - AQHA - own daughter of Weiscamp owned and branded Scottish Cord
Scottish Cord was the ultimate sire. Before his death, at the age of 31, he achieved a remarkable
show record, as well as produced AQHA, PHBA and APHA Champions, Youth and Amateur and World Champions.

A Breeze of Class |
Ris Key Business
Cheyenne Moon Bar |
Mr Highland |
4 Bars Moon Deck |
Happiness Is
Cherokee Siemon |
Miss Pioneer |
Scottish Heiress AQHA |
Scottish Cord |
Scottish |
String Relic |
Amber Heiress
Mr Eternal Bar |
Lashawn 6 |
Pedigree generated by PedigreeQuery.com
'The Breeze' is a muscle bound athlete with a wonderful, intelligent personality. In spite
of the fact his immediate pedigree is one of the most popular in the working horse industry today, (overwhelming all competitors
in the Roping and Working Cow Horse classes), and his color is the hottest thing going in the APHA, it's his personality that
really sets him apart. He is kind and gentle to all other animals as well as people. We take him directly from the broodmare
pasture to trail ride with the family. (That's my daughter, at age 12, riding him in the photo) He is a finished rope horse,
but has not been used around cattle since we purchased him 17 years ago. He is giving this wonderful intelligence and
willing attitude to his offspring.
5 panel testing just completed: Breeze came through. N/N on entire panel Stud fee: $650
(We do have multiple mare discounts.)

Two of Breeze's most famous siblings (all sired by Ris Key Business)
Strait From Texas- May 1992 - March 2006 Former all time
Open Point Earning Stallion in APHA history with 2130.0 points.
First stallion in APHA history to earn 2000 plus open performance pts. Shown in 53 APHA shows avg 40+ pts/show
NRCHA, APHA Money earner. 4x World Champion & 4x Reserve World Champion, 6 APHA Roms & 6
Superiors in Reining, Heeling, Heading, Calf Roping, Steer Stopping and Working Cowhorse 1997 &
1998 #1 Horse in the Nation 16 Time Honor Roll Horse Champion 1997,1998 & 2001 APHA World Show
Oscar Crigler Cattle Award Winner - Only horse in APHA History to with it 3x! 1996 &1998 APHA
Worldwide Paint Horse Congress Superhorse. As of 2010 #1 APHA Open Lifetime Pt Leader in Working Cowhorse,#2 Heading,#3
Steer Stopping, Heeling & Tie Down Roping. Half interest in horse reported to have sold for $1
million. RR Riskymastrpiece 2001 - APHA World Champion Calf Roping 1999
- APHA World Champion Heeling 1999 - APHA World Champion Steer Stopping Superior in Calf
Roping, Heading, Heeling, and Steer Stopping ROM in Working Cow Horse Points earned in
Halter, Reining, and Trail 1700+ Points earned as of 2001 #1 in Open Performance in 2000
#2 in Open Performance in '99 & '98 Producer of ROM earners in Reining, Heading, & Heeling and
Certificate of Recognition in Halter.
Somethin' new for 2013 breeding season.
Somethin' different.
Somethin' a bit more ....uhm....versatile....and a heck of a lot taller than what we are used to.
He's at least 15.3....
Double homozygous.
JLB Romeos Kashanova
2006 black tobiano stallion
Homozgous black, Homozygous tobiano.
Sire: Romeo Rascal (multiple award winner, including 2x World Champion and 5X National Champion as well
as National Rope Horse of the Year...see below)
Dam: JLBS Juquetta (gdtr of Raise Your Glass and The Moonlighter)
Romeo Rascal:
RascalR’s Accomplishments!!
* 1988 Amateur Honor Roll Halter Stallion.
* ROM Halter.
* ROM Hunter Under Saddle.
* ROM Western Pleasure.
* ROM Senior Hunter Hack.
* ROM Trail.
* ROM Western Riding.
* ROM Reining.
* ROM Barrels.
**1991 World Champion Senior Hunter Hack (Top 10)
* 1991 Ohio Super Horse Reserve All-Around.
* 1991 Northeast Connection Zone-A-Rama All-Around Champion.
* 1991 Garden State Paint Horse Club All-Around Champion.
* 1991 Shenandoah Paint Horse Club All-Around Champion.
* 1991 Pennsylvania Paint Horse Club All- Around Champion.
* 1992 Honor Roll Senior Hunter Hack.
* 1992 National Versatility Award.
* 1992 Superior Trail Horse.
* 1992 High Point Paint Horse in Pennsylvania.
* 1992 High Point Paint Horse in New Jersey.
* 1992 High Point Paint Horse in Maryland.
* 1992 High Point Paint Horse in Virginia.
* 1992 High Point Paint Horse in West Virginia.
* 1992 High Point Paint Horse in Washington, DC.
* 1993 World Champion Senior Heeling.
* 1993 National Roping Horse Of The Year.
* 1993 National Champion Senior Heeling.
* 1993 National Champion Calf Roping.
* 1993 National Champion Heading.
* 1993 National Champion Heeling.
* 1993 National Champion Senior Steer Stopping (Reserve)
* 1997 Halter Class Champion.
* 1997 Halter Grand Champion | |
Romeo Rascal's offspring record....so far....
So these would be "Kash's" half siblings

Here are couple of short videos. Not bad for not being ridden during breeding season..... Didnt' forget too much.
September 3, 2013 **Sold** to Thailand.
New for 2011.....and lease now confirmed for the **2012** breeding season as well
Colored Me Blue
2002 bay roan tobiano
Sire: Color Me Smart - sire of over 3 Million $$ in NCHA earnings.
APHA's first 1M $$ sire
Dam: My Angel of Blue - full sister to Peptoboonsmal (6M+ $$ NCHA earners)
by Peppy San Badger.
Color Me Smart $3M NCHA Sire |
{ |
Smart Little Lena |
{ |
Doc O'Lena |
Smart Peppy |
Dox Painted Lady |
{ |
Doc's Solano |
Bottoms Up |
My Angel Of Blue |
{ |
Peppy San Badger |
{ |
Mr San Peppy |
Sugar Badger |
Royal Blue Boon |
{ |
Boon Bar |
Royal Tincie |
- We have "Blue" leased for the 2011 breeding season. Our primary goal was
to secure a 'worthy' stallion to breed to our daughters of Ris Key Business. However, we will also be standing
him to outside mares at $650 with a generous multiple mare discount. Live
cover only - Blue's semen does not ship well.
- Blue is HERDA negative
- This will be Blue's first season to have his services offered to outside mares.
- Blue is producing 100% roans and/or tobianos with 3 foal crops on the ground. (16
out of 17 APHA foals are registered either roan or tobiano, or BOTH...and while foal #17 did not get 'regular' papers, the DNA
test did find the tobiano gene. Also - under the new APHA color guidelines this foal could now be advanced
to the regular registry) THAT'S a darn good guarantee of color!! His foals are also proving to have his outstanding
disposition and trainability.
- Not only does Blue have the athletic ability that his top and bottom side pedigree indicates he should
have, but as a bonus, he also has the body and substance that is not normally associated with his top side pedigree.
He stands 15 hands and weighs in around 1200 pounds.
- Blue's sire needs no introduction as he is an APHA and NCHA legend familiar to everyone. However,
his dam's credential's will also get everyone to stop and consider the potential here..... MY Angel of Blue is a FULL
SISTER to the AQHA and NCHA legend - Peptoboonsmal.
- While all of his offspring from previous years have been sold, Blue's owners are expecting a few more
of his foals this spring. If you have an interest in purchasing one, please email or call and I will
put you in contact with the owner, Renee Britten Lynch. Located in Texas.
**NEW** for 2010 breeding season
Double Delta Olena
PtHA Congress Champion
reining and working cow
APHA ROM reining

SON of Gay Bar O Lena
HERDA tested - double negative

Standing at Diaman H Stables for the 2009 breeding season.
For sale/At Stud
This Cat Flys (APHA 820526)
2004 sorrel SPB stud
Sire: High Brow Cat (stud fee $22,500)
Dam: Sugar Lena Flyer by Delta Flyer

Quiet and gentle young stallion. 100% sound to ride or breed. Hand and pasture breeds.
NCHA money earner, 2007 APHA Congress Reserve Champion (2nd out of a class of 2)
HERDA notice: "This Cat Flys" has been tested and confirmed to be a HERDA carrier. We will
ONLY accept mares in for breeding that have been tested and confirmed double negative for HERDA.
This Cat Flys is an own
son of the great sire, High Brow Cat. High Brow Cat has about 400 performing offspring. Their earnings currently
total over $15 million. His dam, Sugar Lena Flyer (deceased), was a leading daughter of Delta Flyer with NCHA earnings and was a world champion paint point earner and
producer of a PCCHA faturity champion.